A hispanic-descent woman with diabetes getting fitted with a CGM. She received the connected device for better diabetes management as part of her virtual care program

Open enrollment begins January 2026

Personalized care for your greatest asset — your employees*

Verily Lightpath combines personalized, data-driven support with AI-enabled, clinical care teams to inspire healthy behaviors in every team member managing diabetes, obesity and other metabolic conditions — on and off of the job. Verily Lightpath will be there each step of their way with expert guidance and empathetic support, making it simpler to follow healthier paths.

Care that doesn’t clock out*

Expert support, delivered virtually — 24/7

AI coach will offer anytime support that moves with members to:

  • Partnering to create and inspire healthier habits with small, steps towards their goals that fit into their life, and that can last

  • Gather and process health histories and ongoing clinical status, sending insights so care teams can take the right clinical step at the right time.


Note: Product and solution images are for illustrative purposes only.

Simulation of the Verily Lightpath AI coach asking a metabolic care program member if they have any general health questions.

Healthier steps for every journey*

Programs for individuals with diabetes, obesity, and related conditions to meet health goals and stay on track

Lightpath provides complete, flexible care for metabolic conditions offered as multiple tiers of support — or program intensity — based on a person's health needs, such as the severity of their condition(s). As clinically indicated, members will be able to “move” from more to less intense programs to help them achieve and maintain their unique goals.

Contact us

Metabolic Intensive focuses on members with uncontrolled type 1 and 2 diabetes (A1C of 8.0% or greater), inclusive of certain concurrent conditions (comorbidities). Members will have access to health coaches, endocrinologists, primary care physicians, pharmacists and registered dietitians, as clinically indicated.**

Verily Lightpath Metabolic is a chronic care solution with programs for reaching and maintaining health goals with diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure and more.

An illuminated, expert approach

The right care, the right time

Lightpath is designed to reduce time to desired health outcomes for members and associated cost savings for plan sponsors via continuous glucose meter (CGM) device-produced, high-frequency blood glucose measurements that will help dynamically refine care planning to help impact behaviors in a more timely manner.

A black woman with type 2 diabetes and obesity wearing a continuous blood monitor for real-time measurements of her blood glucose levels.

A proven track record

Lightpath is an evolution of Verily Onduo virtual care management for chronic conditions, building off its best practices and learnings, and is reflective of its successes, such as proven health outcomes. A peer-reviewed, 4-month study of Verily Onduo with intermittent continuous glucose monitor (CGM) use in adults with type 2 diabetes showed meaningful improvements in A1C (the gold standard test to monitor diabetes control), as well certain measurable signs of heart disease, such as blood pressure.1

Note: Person not actual Verily member 
1. J Med Internet Res. 2020 Aug 28;22(8):e21778. doi: 10.2196/21778.

Take the next step

Thanks for your interest. Share a few details to explore how Verily Lightpath can best support the individuals that best support your business.

*Required fields

For business email addresses of US users only.
The information you provide will be used in accordance with our privacy policy.
Sources & disclaimers

*The information contained on this page is intended to outline Verily’s general product direction and is not a commitment or legal obligation to deliver any functionality. Product capabilities, timeframes and features are subject to change and should not be viewed as commitments.

**May not be available in all 50 states

†Statements related to Rx treatments are for members receiving telemedicine services with licensed health care providers through Onduo P.C.

‡The video testimonial by Steve Aubrey, was, but may not still be, a member of the Onduo program via paid sponsorship. The opinions reflect our members' personal experiences with the program. Results may vary and are not guaranteed.

Persons’, less Steve Aubrey video, images aren’t actual Verily Lightpath members or providers. 

Product and solution images are also for illustrative purposes only.

Verily Life Sciences LLC (“Verily”) offers virtual care management programs for eligible individuals, as further described in these materials and at verily.com. Verily collaborates with Onduo Management Services LLC (“OMS”), Onduo LLC,  and a network of affiliated Professional Entities to offer the services. These services are meant to be used in conjunction with regular in-person clinical services and not intended to replace routine primary care.