Precision health starts with precision data

We manage clinical, sensor, imaging and omics data to scale research and enable new decision-making models for care.

Data drives decisions

Verily precision health platform

data ingest,data integrity & equality,data governance,delivery

Data management

Driving speed and adaptability with cloud-based analytics and AI

Our cloud-first approach, advanced analytics and AI expertise enable us to collect, organize, enrich and activate petabytes of data aligned with our customers' unique needs and delivered at just the right time. 

Data science

Clinical and scientific rigor meet data excellence

Data excellence is essential for clinical excellence. Through data science, quantitative science and clinical informatics, we can unlock breakthroughs in precision care and research. We build quality data management tools, led by best-in-class clinicians, device technologists, researchers, payors and molecular biologists.

Data security and privacy

It’s not just data — it’s health data

As we think about the future of evidence generation, understanding data risks are paramount for our security team. To build a foundation that safeguards these data we’ve established security teams across governance, devices and firmware, privacy and security and operations. Privacy and security are the core of our product development process. Our approach to informed consent ensures that patients are educated, informed and fully agree to who will access their data, which data will be accessed, and how their data will be used.

Diversity Design

Health equity

Diversity by design

We approach diversity as a foundational product principle to develop solutions that help accelerate understanding of disease and better treatments to more populations, so that our customers have more generalizable evidence and can improve care among more populations. In research, we aim to engage groups who historically haven’t participated in studies to ensure research reflects all populations by improving rates of recruitment, enrollment and longitudinal engagement. In care, our aim is to improve outcomes for the individual through precision tools that enable a more complete understanding of the factors that define their unique health journey, including SDoH.