Continuous, objective monitoring of motor signs and symptoms may help improve tracking of disease progression and treatment response in Parkinson’s disease (PD). This study assessed the analytical and clinical validity of multi-sensor smartwatch measurements in hospitalized and home-based settings (96 patients with PD; mean wear time 19 h/day) using a twice-daily virtual motor examination (VME) at times representing medication OFF/ON states. Digital measurement performance was better during inpatient clinical assessments for composite V-scores than single-sensor–derived features for bradykinesia (Spearman |r|= 0.63, reliability = 0.72), tremor (|r|= 0.41, reliability = 0.65), and overall motor features (|r|= 0.70, reliability = 0.67). Composite levodopa effect sizes during hospitalization were 0.51–1.44 for clinical assessments and 0.56–1.37 for VMEs. Reliability of digital measurements during home-based VMEs was 0.62–0.80 for scores derived from weekly averages and 0.24–0.66 for daily measurements. These results show that unsupervised digital measurements of motor features with wrist-worn sensors are sensitive to medication state and are reliable in naturalistic settings.

Parkinson’s Disease
Digital Biomarkers